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Issue date: May 12, 2024


In order to join the WBTBRIDGE.COM fair play bridge community (“Platform“), you need to register and apply for a Membership ("Membership"). Membership requirements are set out in Clause 2. Once you become a Member you can enjoy our Services by playing bridge with friends, take part in various bridge competitions, be invited to games and invite friends and other players from the bridge community to play with you, chat, play face-to-face and share the joy of bridge, knowing that we do everything in our power to keep this online community a place for all players who prefer a fair game, free from cheating players. The content on the Platform and the Services offered through the Platform is referred to as the Services (“Services”).

This document contains the Terms of Use/Service (“Terms”) which you agree to accept when applying for Membership. You cannot become a Member unless you accept these Terms. The following Terms apply to your use of all Services available on the Platform. You should carefully read this document in its entirety before signing up as a Member. Your acceptance of the Terms upon your registration to become a Member constitutes a legally binding agreement between you as a Member and World Bridge Holding CY Limited (“WBH”), which enters into force when we register and confirm your request for Membership

Before applying for Membership you should also carefully read our Privacy Notice, our B-R-I-D-G-E values, (“Values”) and the following policies ("Policies"): Community Conduct Policy, the Sportsmanship Policy and the Fair Play Policy. The Policies are fully integrated and forms an integral part of these Terms, meaning that by accepting these Terms, you also accept and agree to abide by our Values and Policies. If you do not share our Values, you should not apply for Membership or use our Services.

World Bridge Holding CY Limited, with registered office at Arch. Makarios III Avenue 195, Neocleous House, 3030 Limassol, Cyprus, organisation number HE 342924, (“‘WBH”, “we”, “our” or “us”), is the main administrator and owner of the Platform. Please contact us at info@wbtbridge.com if you have any questions regarding these Terms or your Membership.

When we refer to "you" or "Member", this is the individual having applied for Membership and received confirmation about the Membership from us, and accepted the Terms.

If you want to keep a copy of this agreement, you may download, store and print the current version.

2Membership – registration, term and termination

2.1Creation of a Membership

Creation of a Membership is free of charge i.e. not subject to payment of a Membership fee. Please note however that there may be Services available on the Platform that are subject to the payment of a fee. You will always be informed of such Services and must explicitly accept by affirmative action any Service subject to a payment obligation.

Membership is subject to a registration process whereby you sign up for Membership on the Platform.

Membership is open for everybody regardless of skills, location etc. There is no age limit to playing bridge on the Platform.

Due to the social community Services available on the Platform, we need to be cautious in order to keep our young Members safe online. To become a Member, and create an account with us, you must therefore be 13 years of age. However, children under the age of 13 are welcome to join as a Member if a parent or legal guardian applies for Membership on behalf of the child by sending an e-mail to under13@wbtbridge.com. We will keep a copy of the parental consent confirmation mail for documentation purposes. When applying for Membership you need to provide the following information in order to create a Member profile:


Your name


E-mail address in order for us to communicate with you. This e-mail address will also serve as your username to be used when signing-in to the Platform


A password selected by you associated with your username (e-mail address)

Certain Services may require further registration details or additional information. If you are under the age of 13, some Services may require renewed confirmation from the parent or the legal guardian in charge of your profile.

Upon registration you need to accept the Terms, Values and Polices as set out in Clause 1 above.

A confirmation of your Membership registration will be sent to the e-mail address provided when you signed up.

You are not allowed to sign up for multiple Memberships. Any attempt to do so is a violation of these Terms and will be detected by our logging of IP-information and may lead to termination of your Membership.

2.2Creation of an Alias

Once registered as a Member you can also create various nick-names or aliases which are linked to your Member profile ("Alias" or "Aliases"). An Alias is a nick-name that is displayed and visible to other players when using our Services. You may use and administer up to four different Aliases for different purposes. Unless you provide an Alias, your name as provided upon registration (or as subsequently amended) will be applied and displayed when you use the Platform.

Please note that an Alias may not be registered if an identical Alias is already registered with another Member. We reserve the right to change or delete your Alias if we find it offensive, misleading or in any way unacceptable. We may also delete Aliases if they have been inactive for more than a year.

2.3Enhancing your Member profile

Upon registration or later, you may add additional information, such as your level of bridge competence, to your Member profile in order for us to match you with players and teams on a similar level. Matchmaking makes playing bridge more fun.

2.4Managing your Member profile

When registered as a Member we will provide, and you will have access to, your Member profile where you may administer your personal preferences, privacy settings, consents, your nicknames / Alias(es), contact information and bridge qualifications as well as other personal information provided to us.

As a Member you may also sign up for various activities using the different Aliases which are linked to your profile as you do not need to use your real identity registered with us when taking part in social or competitive online games available to you on the Platform. You may also establish and maintain a player’s account where you can make Deposits to your Wallet (see Clause 11) to be applied against future tournament fees or other in-game purchases.

2.5Member profile security

Your Membership and your Member profile are personal and you must treat your password as confidential.

You are not allowed to share your Member details and/or allowing other players to be playing on your Member profile. You must never share or disclose it to any other person. If you do so, your Member profile may be tampered with, and unauthorized third parties may misuse your credentials or Aliases. You must immediately notify us at report@wbtbridge.com if you suspect any risk of unauthorized access to or use of your account or log-in details.

2.6Responsibility for provided information

You have the full responsibility that the information provided by you and associated with your Member profile is correct, current and complete and in compliance with the Values and Policies.


A Membership is valid from the date you have received a confirmation e-mail from us confirming your registration as a Member until terminated by you or terminated by us in accordance with these Terms.

2.8Termination of Memberships

You can terminate your Membership at any time by your own choice. You find the “End my Membership” functionality in your “Member Profile”. You may also send an e-mail to info@wbtbridge.com.

We may terminate your Membership in case of inactivity over a period of 12 months. You will receive a prior notice in order for you to reactivate the Membership and avoid termination due to inactivity.

We may also decide to suspend or end your Membership if we become aware of irregularities consistent with cheating or conduct in breach of these Terms, Policies and our Values.

If you end your Membership, we will transfer the current unused balance of your Wallet (in USD) to your bank account, in local currency if applicable.

3Access to Services on the Platform

As a member you may enjoy our Services by playing bridge for social purposes and take part in competitive games and tournaments arranged by us or our Licensees. We provide the benefits of a fair, competitive and respectful bridge format, including the possibility to apply for membership in the World Bridge Tour concept. Please note however that the World Bridge Tour is subject to its own terms & conditions.

If you choose to join and participate in online games with available players and opponents, you may chat with friends and make new friendships with the other players. You may also play face to face with teammates and opponents by choosing to play live and apply the Teams for Bridge – functionality.

By managing your account and your list of contacts you may administer your friendships and chat, discuss bridge, send and accept invites to play whenever it suits you.

We do not offer gambling services where Members may put money at stake through the Platform. In competitive games and tournaments we may reward winners with a cash prize or ranking points independent from entry fees, in accordance with the preannounced terms and conditions applicable to the competitive game or tournament.

As a Member you will receive exclusive content and information regarding upcoming tournaments and events arranged by us or by our cooperating partners (“Licensees”).


We may need to maintain or modify our Services for Service development or security enhancement purposes. Such maintenance may lead to restricted access or unavailability of Services, features or content as required. We strive to announce planned downtime or maintenance to all Members in order for you to avoid unavailability in the middle of a game.

5B-R-I-D-G-E values

Our objective is to make bridge a more fair and accessible sport. To achieve this goal, we emphasise the importance of the B-R-I-D-G-E values. We are inherently embedded in these values, which is reflected through the obligations all parties associated with our Services are required to follow. As a Member, you agree to act in accordance with these values and you acknowledge that conduct in violation with these values may lead to disciplinary sanctions and termination of your Membership.

6Social Games and Community Services

As a Member you may play bridge with your friends and peers just for fun. You may also chat and meet (online) only for social purposes. The Platform is a community site for people who share the common interest of bridge. By making new acquaintances based on this common interest, we believe many of our Members also will make new friendships across the world.

If you experience any form of unacceptable behaviour related to our social community Services, you should immediately report the incident to report@wbtbridge.com.

7Member Content

The Platform contains various forums and networks, learning tools etc. where you can post, submit, publish, display or transmit to us or other Members Content, statements or material of your choice ("Member Content"). All such Member Content must comply with our Values and Policies. It is strictly prohibited to share Content in breach of these Terms and you are solely responsible for the information you post on, through or in connection with the Service and provide to others.

It is your responsibility that your Member Content is not illegal, fraudulent, deceptive, obscene, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, infringing any intellectual property rights or otherwise injurious to other Members or other third parties. You should avoid non-bridge political and religious discussions on the Platform.

We cannot guarantee that other Members will not use the ideas and information that you share. Therefore, if you have an idea or information you would like to keep confidential and/or do not want others to use, do not post it on the Service. We have no responsibility to evaluate, use or compensate you for any ideas or information you may choose to submit.

Any contribution you share on the Platform will be considered non-confidential and by sharing on the Platform you grant us a non-exclusive right of disposal to the content. We may reuse the content in the way we see fit for the benefit of the bridge community.

We have the right, but not a duty to monitor, to edit or remove Content that we find to be in breach of conduct or otherwise unacceptable unless in accordance with Clause 8, 14 and 15.

8Screening of Member Content and Monitoring of games played

8.1Screening of Member Content

We assume no responsibility for the conduct of any user submitting any Member Content to the Platform, and assume no responsibility for monitoring the Service for inappropriate Member Content or conduct unless required to do so according to appliable law. We do not and cannot pre-screen or monitor all Member Content or actions. Your use of the Service is at your own risk. By using the Service you may be exposed to Member Content that is offensive, indecent or otherwise not in line with your expectations and/or our policies. You bear all risk associated with the use of any Member Content available in connection with the Service. If you are of the opinion that any Member Content is in breach of these Terms of Use, we encourage you to report this to us in accordance with the procedures set out in Clause 14.

8.2Other monitoring

As part of our Fair Play ambition, our representatives and our technology will monitor and record all interaction with the Service or communications, including your games played when you are using the Service.

The monitoring of all actions on the Service is necessary for us to discover, over time, behaviour in breach of conduct and our Fair play Policy.

By accepting these Terms you acknowledge that WBH may monitor your behaviour or review your behavioural history.

9User Interaction

You are solely responsible for your interactions with other users of the Service and any other parties with whom you interact through the Service and/or tournaments arranged by us or by our Licensees.

We reserve the right, but have no obligation to become involved in any way in the event of a dispute between users of the Service, save for (i) disputes between participants on competitive games and tournaments arranged by us or our Licensees or (ii) if we are notified about any conduct according to Clause 14. You agree to cooperate with us to investigate any suspected unlawful, fraudulent or unacceptable activity.

If you have a dispute with one or more users, you release us from claims, demands and damages of every kind and nature arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.

10Competitive Games and Tournaments

The Platform provides you the possibility to play competitive games and sign up for tournaments arranged by us or by our Licensees. Licensees act as a Platform licensed tournament organizer, meaning WBH provide the Platform and the technical and administrative tools while the Licensee organizes the tournament and determines the rules of participation. Participating in tournaments on the Platform is an exclusive opportunity provided only to Members also if such tournaments is arranged by our Licensees. Licensees will follow our instructions regarding fair play and abide by our Values.

It is your choice to join in competitive games and tournaments. If you choose to participate in competitive games and tournaments, you are responsible for your actions as a player. By accepting our Terms you agree to waive any claim based on or arising out of your actions or lack of actions including but not limited to not taking part in a game you signed up for, regardless of the explanation of the absence from the game concerned. This waiver does not apply if the arrangement is cancelled or postponed by us or a Licensee.

11Platform Account and Wallet

Through our Service we provide you the possibility to use our prepaid account balance service (the "Platform Account"). The Platform Account is a service whereby Members can deposit money (a "Deposit") with us to serve as your community wallet ("Wallet"). In order to make a Deposit to the Wallet you will be required to provide or update certain information with us, including a means of payment ("Means of Payment") and a valid billing address. You can only register a Means of Payment for which you are authorized. You are responsible for all transactions and use of your Wallet which, for the avoidance of any doubt includes applicable taxes and currency exchange risk.

A Deposit can only be made in United States Dollars (USD) and any transfer of funds to the Platform Account will be converted from the local currency (if applicable) to USD applying the at all times applicable currency exchange rate.

A Deposit may not exceed USD 2000 or equivalent local currency. Higher amounts may be deposited in connection with signing up for a particular event or tournament with participation fees exceeding USD 2000.

You may use the Wallet as payment for payable Services or purchase community offers offered on the Platform.

Means of Payment for making a Deposit may be i.e. credit card, Pay Pal or other means of payments according to current information available on the Platform.

If you win a prize, we will transfer the amount to your Wallet. You can administer transfers to and from your Wallet in your Member profile.

If you end your Membership, we will transfer the current unused balance of your Wallet (in USD) to your bank account, in local currency if applicable.

12Tournament Fees and other In-game Purchases

WBH and/or its Licensees may charge an entry fee when arranging tournaments. Entry fees will be refunded if a tournament is postponed or cancelled.

If you are disciplinarily penalized, suspended or otherwise ineligible for taking part in a planned WBH or WBH licensed tournament, you may be entitled to a refund for paid entry fees in full or part. No refunds will be made if you are suspended or penalized after commencement of a tournament.

WBH and cooperating partners may advertise and offer to Members other payable bridge-related (virtual) goods or Services like tutorials, training games etc. You have the right to withdraw from your purchase of virtual goods in accordance with applicable withdrawal rights. If you choose to take digital delivery of virtual goods or content you explicitly way any right to withdrawal.

13Data Processing and Privacy Rights

WBH is the controller in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), processing personal data of Members and other visitors on our website and events according to the WBH Privacy Notice. We have implemented organizational and technical measures to maintain the protection of personal information in accordance with our obligations under GDPR.

Please read our Privacy Notice to learn how we process personal data prior to applying for Membership.

14Breach of Conduct

WBH is responsible for limiting in-game irregularities and for Sanctioning players and Members that either attribute to such irregularities or otherwise conduct in violation with these Terms.

The Platform has a reporting channel wherein Members, spectators and any other affiliated persons can report incidents regarding suspected irregularities and/or other behaviour that is not in line with our Values or these Terms.

If in-game irregularities or behaviour in violation with these Terms that may negatively impact the game can be attributed to a Member, a fair and impartial committee will assess the Membership and may impose Sanctions.

Our Licensees will report to us if they suspect irregularities or discover that irregularities or other damaging behaviour in a licensed tournament on the Platform. WBH will judge whether a Member shall be Sanctioned or not.

By using our Services, you acknowledge our ambition to prevent, limit and Sanction in-game irregularities. You also agree to use the Services in such a way to avoid actions and behaviour that may lead to disciplinary Sanctions and actions which will justify cancelation or removal of your access to and participation in tournaments and/or reason to terminate your Membership.

By accepting our Terms, you acknowledge our right to make the final decision in matters concerning disciplinary actions due to misconduct and behaviour in breach of these Terms, Policies and our Values. You will be notified if we find reasons to implement Sanctions.

As a Member, you recognize that the following actions may lead to Sanctions and you will never, in the context of using any of our Services:

15Disciplinary Sanctions

Breach of Conduct, Values or these Terms & Conditions and other forms of unacceptable behaviour, may at the sole discretion of WBH, be grounds for one or more of the following disciplinary Sanctions (“Sanctions”):

Prior to a WBH decision to impose temporary suspension or cancellation of Membership you will be properly informed of our findings and the grounds for our reaction. You will receive an e-mail explaining the matter offering you the opportunity to share your views on the matter within a certain respite. Your feedback will be considered prior to us making a final decision. If you do not reply to the notification within the given respite we will proceed with our decision regardless of your view. If Sanctions are applied you may send a complaint to investigation@wbtbridge.com and we will always be considerate of your views in the matter.

16Intellectual Property Rights

WBH retains all rights, title and interest in and to the Services and the Platform including, but not limited to all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, proprietary right, and patents whether registered or not. You may not copy, reproduce or distribute the Platform or Services in any manner or medium without prior written consent from WBH. All rights not expressly granted to you are reserved by WBH.

WBH has the exclusive right to store, use and distribute all data generated on the Platform.

You may share, publicise and brag about your games of bridge with whoever you want, but you cannot manipulate or change our design, layout and trademark when doing so. You need to respect the privacy of our other users, including obtaining consent from other players involved, when necessary according to local law in your jurisdiction.

You are not allowed to share your Member details and/or allowing other players to be playing on your Member profile.

17Licence of Use

As a Member of the Platform, you are granted a non-exclusive, non-perpetual, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, limited license to use our Services as provided by WBH, for your personal non-commercial use in accordance with these Terms, our Values and Policies.

18Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

These Terms are governed by Norwegian Law.

If a dispute arises between you and WBH, we strongly encourage you to first contact us directly to seek a resolution by sending an e-mail to info@wbtbridge.com.

Any dispute, controversy or claim arising from these Terms or the breach, termination or validity thereof which is not settled amicably, shall be finally settled by Norwegian courts. The legal venue for such disputes will be Oslo district court.

19Disclaimer of Warranties

Our Services and related documentation are provided to our Members on an “as is” and “as available” basis, without warranty of any kind.

WBH does not warrant that you will be able to access or use the Service at times or locations of your choice, that the Service will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be fixed, that the Services are free of viruses or other harmful components. We will however do our best to maintain a high degree of access to the Service to allow you to enjoy our Services wherever you are at any time of the day. Please notify us if you discover faults or any form of malfunction that we need to be aware of.

20Limitation of Liability and Indemnification

WBH is not liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or other similar damages, including but not limited to loss of revenues, lost profits, lost data or business interruption, computer failure or malfunction or other intangible losses arising out of or relating in any way to these Terms or the Service itself whether or not WBH has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Our maximum liability for you shall not exceed the amount you have paid to us or our Licensees in accordance with these Terms in the six months prior to the date of which you first assert a claim. You acknowledge and agree that if you have not paid anything to us during such time period, your sole remedy and our exclusive liability for any dispute with us is to stop using our Service and to cancel your Membership.

Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for certain types of damages. Accordingly, some of the above disclaimers may not apply to you. To the extent that WBH may not as a matter of applicable law, disclaim any warranty or limit our liability as set forth herein, the scope of such warranty and the extent of our liability shall be the minimum permitted under such applicable law.

The limitation of liability does not affect statutory rights of any consumer, or exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury arising from negligence or gross negligence of which WBH cannot be excluded or limited by applicable law.

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold WBH harmless from any claim, demand, damages or other losses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, asserted by any third-party resulting from or arising out of your use of the Service, or any breach by you of these Terms.


You acknowledge and agree that if any portion of these Terms or of the WBH Privacy Notice is found illegal or unenforceable, in whole or in part by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective solely to the extent of such determination of invalidity or enforceability thereof in any other manner or jurisdiction and without affecting the remaining provisions of the Terms, which shall continue to be in full force and effect.


As our Services will advance and content will grow, WBH may need to amend or change these Terms, the Privacy Notice or any other WBH code of conduct or policy. You will be notified no later than 30 days prior to any changes related to these Terms. In this notice we will explain the reason for change. You may contact us if you have any concerns with regards to the announced changes. If you continue using the Services we will assume you have accepted the changes. If you do not accept the new Terms, you may contact us or cancel your Membership without any consequence to you.

WBH may publish additional policies related to specific Services such as forums, contents or Membership programs. Your right to use such Services is subject those specific policies and these Terms.


The Ultimate Bridge Experience.

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